The Company
Frutas Luna is a company devoted to importing and exporting fruit and vegetables of the highest quality.
The company oversees production and packages and markets the produce, guaranteeing exceptional freshness, so that it reaches the consumer with all its goodness intact.
To achieve this, field work is crucial. A close relationship and direct personal contact with growers ensure that the produce is of the highest quality and enable Frutas Luna to fulfil its customers’ expectations.
The fruit and vegetables marketed by Frutas Luna comply with the most stringent international food quality standards, with the closest attention to every stage of the process, from the actual growing to harvesting, packing and transport.
Frutas Luna began its activities marketing fruit and vegetables in June 2008, and since then its hallmarks have always been the quality of its produce, its respect for the environment and its working methods, managing to adapt to changing market and consumer trends.
It is currently a company with a young and highly professional human resources team marketing thousands of tons of fresh produce every year.
Its advanced facilities and extensive network of growers ensure constant high-quality production of seasonal fruit and vegetables that always reach the end consumer in peak condition in terms of their nutritional properties and flavour.
Some details of our activity over the past year:
- export and import of peppers 45%
- export and import of tomatoes 12%
- export and import of cucumbers 8%
- export and import of courgettes 5%
- export and import of aubergines 28%
- export and import of melons 1%
- export and import of watermelons 1%

Sede en Roquetas de Mar- Almería.

Una superficie total de de más de 150 Ha. de cultivo y un trabajo muy cercano al agricultor, nos garantizan una producción estable, continuada y de calidad.

Flota de camiones de transporte que mantienen la cadena de frío.